Oslo, Norveç destanlarından anlaşıldığı üzere, 1049' da Harald Hardråde (III. Harald) tarafından kurulmuştur. Son dönemlerdeki arkeolojik çalışmalar, Oslo'da 1000 yılı öncesine ait Hıristiyan gömülerini ortaya çıkardığından, 2000 senesinde Oslo'nun kuruluşunun 1000. Yılı şerefine kutlamalar yapılmıştır.
Oslo, kentte kalıcı olarak ikâmet eden ilk kral olan Håkon v'in (1299-1319) hanedanlığı itibariyle başkent olarak kabul edilmişti. Håkon V bu dönemde, günümüzde de Oslo limanında yer alan ünlü Akershus Kalesi' nin yapımını başlatmıştı. Bundan bir yüzyıl kadar sonra Norveç, Danimarka ile olan birliğinde kuvvetten düşünce kralların ikametgâhı da Kopenhag'a kaydı. Böylece önemini yitiren Oslo, uzunca bir süre sıradan bir idari yönetim birimi duruma indirgendi.
Oslo, tarih boyunca yangınlarda büyük zarar görmüş bir kenttir. 14. Büyük yangın felaketinin ardından, o dönemki Danimarka ve Norveç kralı Christian IV, 1624'te kente Christiania adını vermiş ve Akershus kalesi yakınlarındaki koyda kentin yeniden kurulmasını emretmişti. Kentin 1624 yılı sonrasında inşa edilen kısmı Kvadraturen olarak adlandırıldı.Ama Christiania bundan uzun bir süre önce, ticari bazı kazanımlar ile daha önce elinden kaçırdığı önemi yeniden kazanmış ve Norveç'te önemli bir ticaret ve kültür merkezi haline gelmiştir. 1814 yılında Danimarka ile kurulan birliğin sonuna gelindiğinde, kent bir kez daha gerçek bir başkent olacaktı. Kentteki Kraliyet Sarayı (1825-1848), Stortinget (Parlamento binası) (1861-1866), Oslo Üniversitesi, Ulusal Tiyatro, Oslo Borsası gibi göze çarpan önemli binaların çoğu bu dönemde inşa edildi. Ayrıca Christiana bu dönem boyunca Henrik Ibsen ve Knut Hamsun gibi yazarlara da ev sahipliği yapıyordu. Kent, Norveç'in diğer bir önemli kenti olan Bergen karşısında da güçlenince, Norveç'in en popüler kenti haline gelmişti. 1878' de yeni bir isim değişikliği ile Kristiania olarak adlandırılan kent, bugünkü adı olan Oslo ismini 1925 yılında aldı.
Christiania in July of 1814, as seen from Ekeberg.
According to the Norse sagas, Oslo was founded around 1049 by King Harald Hardråde. Recent archaeological research has uncovered Christian burials from before 1000, evidence of a preceding urban settlement. This called for the celebration of Oslo's millennium in 2000.
It has been regarded as the capital city since the reign of Håkon V (1299-1319), the first king to reside permanently in the city. He also started the construction of the Akershus Fortress. A century later Norway was the weaker part in a personal union with Denmark, and Oslo's role was reduced to that of provincial administrative centre, with the monarchs residing in Copenhagen. The fact that the University of Oslo was founded as late as 1811 had an adverse effect on the development of the nation.
The Akershus Fortress is a historic castle in Oslo.
Oslo was destroyed several times by fire, and after the fourteenth calamity, in 1624, King Christian IV of Denmark (and Norway) ordered it rebuilt at a new site across the bay, near Akershus Fortress and given the name Christiania. But long before this, Christiania had started to establish its stature as a centre of commerce and culture in Norway. The part of the city built from 1624 is now often called Kvadraturen because of its octagonal layout. The last plague outbreak ravaged Oslo in 1654.[8] In 1814 Christiania once more became a real capital when the union with Denmark was dissolved. Many landmarks were built in the 19th century, including the Royal Palace (1825-1848); Stortinget (the Parliament) (1861-1866), the University, Nationaltheatret and the Stock Exchange. Among the world-famous artists who lived here during this period were Henrik Ibsen and Knut Hamsun (the latter was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature). In 1850, Christiania also overtook Bergen and became the most populous city in the country. In 1878 the city was renamed to Kristiania. The original name of Oslo was restored in 1925.
Christiania Torv is a square, which contains some of Oslo's most historic buildings.
Oslo's centrality in the political, cultural and economical life of Norway continues to be a source of considerable controversy and friction. Numerous attempts at decentralization have not appreciably changed this during the last century. While continuing to be the main cause of the depopulation of the Norwegian countryside, any form of development is almost always opposed by neighbours, and — as a consequence — the growth of a modern urban landscape has all but stopped. Specifically, the construction of highrises in the city centre has been met with skepticism. It is projected, however, that the city will need some 20,000 additional apartments before 2020, forcing the difficult decision of whether to build tall or the equally unpopular option of sprawling out.
A marked reluctance to encourage the growth of the city for fear of causing further depletion of the traditional farming and fishing communities has led to several successive bursts of construction in both infrastructure and building mass, as the authorities kept waiting in vain for the stream of people to diminish. Neoclassical city apartments built in the 1850s to 1900s dotted with remnants of Christian IV's renaissance grid dominate the architecture around the city centre, except where slums were demolished in the 1960s to construct modernist concrete and glass low-rises, now generally regarded as embarrassing eyesores. The variety in Oslo's architectural cityscape does however provide for some striking and often hauntingly beautiful sights. While most of the forests and lakes surrounding Oslo are in private hands, there is great public support for not developing those areas. Parts of Oslo suffer from congestion, yet it is one of the few European capitals where people live with the wilderness literally in their back yard, or with access to a suburban train line that allows the city's many hikers and cross-country skiers to simply step off the train and start walking or skiing.